Space Management System / Space Planning System
eFACiLiTY® Space Management System is the leading workplace space planning solution that allows to efficiently track & manage department/cost centre/project wise space allocation, seat assignment and helps in implementing hot-desking/on-demand seat booking of shared workspaces in this increased work-from-home era. Usage of floor plans for visual representation for planning, assignment & booking, integration with IoT seat sensors for real-time occupancy data, QR codes for users to scan & book seats, kiosk & mobile based space booking and occupancy trend analysis dashboards makes it very user-friendly to implement. The seamless shared spaces implementation and improved space automation helps organizations to save huge infrastructure costs.
Key Features
Mobile Features
Kiosk Features
Space Management post COVID
The outbreak of COVID-19 and the social distancing norms have impacted the workspace arrangements and eFACiLiTY® is geared to help you manage space optimally with social distancing norms applied.

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Short videos to explain our software’s unique featuresShort videos help in bringing out the unique features and screenshots of various modules which are explained in detail
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Our interactive PPT with detailed information on our productThe presentation details the key features of various modules and provides an overview of our product
Online Demo
Register for an interactive online demo sessionIn this interactive demo session, you will get a guided and complete overview of all the features and functionalities of eFACiLiTY®